Optimized Musculature - Most levels place a vending machine in front of a particularly convenient ventilation shaft, but without big muscles, you can only ogle it with x-ray vision from afar. You won’t need it often, but when you do, it will make a massive difference in terms of how the story plays out. Responding with the right line of dialogue can soothe the character, opening them up to persuasion. Social Enhancer - The Social Enhancer makes pivotal NPC conversations much easier to sway by ‘translating’ the character’s personality type into some basic flashing UI elements. Entrances to vents, rooftops, and peace of mind will remain just out of reach, locking out some of the more clever methods for infiltration.
Klipspringer Jump Mod - Without the ability to jump higher, you won’t be able to access escape routes or perform mad dunks. And don’t worry about overclocking Jensen’s cybernetics-so long as you’re trying to complete all the sidequests (and you should) overclocking won’t matter a few hours in. At only 3 Praxis points for everything, it’s a good deal. Maxing out the Remote Hacking stat is ideal since it allows you to temporarily disable robots, turrets, and security cameras, which can come in handy for both stealth and assault builds. With it, you can simply look at a device to hack it for a small energy cost (and some well-timed button presses). Remote Hacking - By far, the most helpful ability in Mankind Divided is Remote Hacking. Get these augs and save yourself some grief. It can be infuriating to see a ventilation shaft just beyond your reach, the one that will take you exactly where you need to go, but just because you skipped leg day you’re stuck weaving through vision cones and land mines. Deus Ex has always been about player choice, but without certain abilities the available options are pretty limited.